Best Drug Rehab Treatment Centers in Northampton, MA

If you are currently struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you may feel as though you have everything under control and that you can take care of everything all on your own. However, the reality is that this is your addiction talking. Your addiction tells you that you have things under control. Your addiction convinces you that nothing is wrong. The truth is that you are not in control, your addiction is, and it does not have your best interests at heart. And the other truth that you may not realize is that there is help available to you that can assist you in overcoming your addiction to drugs or alcohol. Northampton Addiction Treatment Centers can help you find the addiction treatment center that is right for you and your needs through our referral and advisory services.  

Call us at (877) 804-1531 to find out more about the advisory and referral services we offer.

Rehab is a Phone Call Away (877) 804-1531

Drug Rehab Facilities in Northampton

What is an Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol?

When most people think about an addiction to drugs or alcohol, they are not envisioning the whole picture. They may see someone that is lacking in willpower or poor strength of character. However, this is not what an addiction is. An addiction is something far beyond a person's willpower and character. In fact, a person could have wonderful character and a strong will the likes of which you have never seen before and still suffer from an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Addiction is a disease. It is one that is diagnosable by medical professionals and has both physical and mental (emotional) components. The problem is that most people, including those individuals that struggle with addiction, do not understand that the condition is a disease. This creates a dastardly environment of blame and guilt that can be damaging to self-esteem, relationships, and people's overall well-being.

When a person has an addiction to alcohol or drugs, they are suffering from a chemical imbalance in their brain that causes the brain to be chemically dependent on the substance a person is addicted to. Because the person is chemically dependent on the substance, they cannot control their cravings or "need" for the substance. This can lead them to engage in the compulsive behaviors that are characteristic of an addiction to drugs or alcohol. A center for addiction treatment in Northampton or local region can help you overcome your addiction.

Can Recovery Happen?

Many people wonder if addiction recovery is possible, given that an addiction to drugs and alcohol is a disease. The good news for you and for everyone struggling with an addiction is that recovery can happen, and it is very much possible. The caveat, of course, is that a person with an addiction cannot overcome their addiction on their own. Recovery requires help. The goal and purpose of us at Northampton Addiction Treatment Centers is to get addicts connected with drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers that can help them in the addiction recovery process.

Why Addiction Advisory Services?

When a person is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, getting through the can be tough. They are so consumed with how they are going to get the substance they are addicted to and ensuring that they get their next "fix" that pretty much everything else will be pushed to the wayside (or at least to the back burner). As such, it can be extremely difficult for a person with an addiction to find themselves any addiction treatment center, let alone the one that is right for them and their unique needs.

After all, there are many different types of addiction treatment centers out there. For example, a drug rehab in Northampton or surrounding area may just specialize in inpatient treatment or specialized outpatient treatment. There are also other types of addiction treatment and programs that centers may or may not provide. It can be tough to understand all of these different treatment terms let alone be able to determine what would work best for you, especially when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

This is why advisory and referral services like those that we provide exist. We are experts in the addiction treatment field and can use that expertise to advocate on your behalf.

Make the Call to Northampton Addiction Treatment Centers. Call us at (877) 804-1531 to find out more about how our advisory and referral services can serve you. Once we answer all of your questions about our services, we can get you started on your road to recovery.

Upcoming Northampton AA & NA Meetings:

Meeting Day & Time Location
AA A Way Out Group Sat, 7:00 PM Christ Presbyterian Church 1597 Allen St, Spfld, MA 01118
NA Saint Thomas Church Tue, 7:30 PM Grupo Un Nuevo Dia Topic, Discussion/Participation 35 Harriet Street, Springfield, MA 01107
AA Ludlow Group Thu, 7:30 PM St. Paul's United Church 123 Hubbard St, Ludlow, MA 01056
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